Welcome to my first post. I have finally taken the leap, and gotten rid of my old portfolio site that I created for a Flash class. I have been intending to replace it forever for a very long time, with something more applicable to the things I’m passionate about on the web; and to include blogging. Plus, I don’t urgently need the portfolio, as I’m very happy in my current job situation and don’t really have time for freelance. I would like that to change, but I think by the time it does hell may have frozen over I’ll have the portfolio integrated with this blog.
So I’ve converted to the root of the site to WordPress. I have a bit of experience with WordPress, and have for the most part enjoyed it. In the near future, I’ll be making a theme, as it’s fairly pathetic for a web designer to go out and pick a prebuilt theme for his blog. Hopefully, the new theme will be arriving shortly.
In any case, this blog will be several things. I’m a web professional, and I love what I do. Much of what is said here will be indirectly or directly related to design, programming, culture, theory, etc. about new media in general and the web in particular… in it’s current state, past state, and/or what I see for its future state. And, obviously, it’ll have a portfolio of relevant work that I’ve done.
Plus, I attempt to be a follower of Jesus. Thus, this blog will also relate to spirituality, issues of faith and culture, media and faith, experience and theology, and ministry; and how these things occur in emerging and underground culture.
Anyway. I’m not a huge fan of lists, so I’ll also say that this blog is a record of my journey. I hope to be faithful with it, learn from it, and if possible, contribute something worthwhile to the web.
I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me…
Jonathan Stegall is a web designer and emergent / emerging follower of Jesus currently living in Atlanta, seeking to abide in the creative tension between theology, spirituality, design, and justice.
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Hey John it’s sam Kiera’s friend I’ve been trying to get a hold of your wife, and I’m hoping this is the right guy. please have her call me asap. thanks. the site is interesting