I've been ranting about academics and theology and all those things the last few days.
In light of this post, and the past few years of wondering whether it's idealistic of me to think that followers of Jesus should be biblically intelligent, I want to add a thought.
Occasionally, I open up StumbleUpon in my Firefox, and spend a few minutes looking around at what it thinks I might like.
Last night, I went to see Rob Bell's the gods aren't angry tour. If it comes to your city, go.
A few days ago, I ran across this article from Andrew Sullivan, author of The Conservative Soul.
Along with, apparently half the world, I'll be in Chicago on November 27th and 28th.
See here to sign the petition to allow Ron Paul's presence in Republican debates and other things.
Chapter four of This Beautiful Mess begins the part of the book that is designed to teach us how to see the kingdom of God.
Chapter three of This Beautiful Mess starts off like this:
Jonathan Stegall is a web designer and emergent / emerging follower of Jesus currently living in Atlanta, seeking to abide in the creative tension between theology, spirituality, design, and justice.
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