In March, Tom Sine of Mustard Seed Associates is releasing a book called The New Conspirators. The book has a blog here.
“In the UK, more churches were planted in the last seven years than Starbucks were opened–over 1,000 churches compared to only 750 Starbucks coffee shops. Interestingly, most of these church plants were ethnic and multi-cultural.
“God is doing something through a new generation, as I report in The New Conspirators: Creating the Future One Mustard Seed At a Time, which will be published by IVP in 2008. I believe God is working through at least four streams: the emerging church, missional churches, mosaic church plants and the monastic movement.”
Amazing stuff. God is moving in the U.K., and most of us in the U.S. are totally unaware of what he is doing. We think of the country as totally secular, and most Christians see that as a bad thing.
I present the idea that that’s a good thing. I look forward to the day when the American church does not have the political and societal influence it thinks it has, and has nothing to save it from itself but the living God. Nothing it can do but figure out what God is doing.
On a purely anti-corporate note, I find it wonderful that there have been more new churches than new Starbucks.
Jonathan Stegall is a web designer and emergent / emerging follower of Jesus currently living in Atlanta, seeking to abide in the creative tension between theology, spirituality, design, and justice.
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