So, as a life-related aside, I'm looking into purchasing a bike. One of the nice benefits where I work is an annual wellness benefit, where we receive an amount of money that we can use on...
There is an interesting interview with Rick Warren that took place after the presidential forum that was held at his church.
For the past few days, the country has been abuzz with talk about Rick Warren's forum that took place at Saddleback Church, in which Barack Obama and John McCain answered some of the questions of evangelicals. During this event, I was on a flight from San Francisco to Atlanta, and thus was able to use AirTran's in-flight XM radio to listen to some of it.
For 48 hours starting today (Monday) at noon, there is a premiere of a new video from Nooma, called "She." I would encourage you to give this a look.
Jonathan Stegall is a web designer and emergent / emerging follower of Jesus currently living in Atlanta, seeking to abide in the creative tension between theology, spirituality, design, and justice.
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