Recently, I got an invite to Flixster, which apparently is a movie review sharing website.
To finish my series, I want to put the things I've looked at together a bit more. I've tried to show how the problems in how historical problems in how the church has looked at politics, culture, and pneumatology have led, in some ways, to current trends in American evangelicalism.
I've noticed that, interestingly enough, my most visited post for this entire year is this one on how to share a FileZilla profile, in which I showed how to use the same FTP profile with my Linux system and my Windows system. This particular knowledge has proven to be invaluable to me.
Blog Comment Day 2008 is, of course, upon us. I commented on a few blogs, some that I had never seen before and some that I read regularly but have never commented on, and one where I comment fairly often. As some others are doing, here are some posts, thus far.
Jonathan Stegall is a web designer and emergent / emerging follower of Jesus currently living in Atlanta, seeking to abide in the creative tension between theology, spirituality, design, and justice.
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