"Oppressors (everyone from dictators to slave owners to school-yard bullies) have told the oppressed to “turn the other cheek” in order to keep them in their place. This sort of passive pacifism does not properly reflect Jesus’ teaching. Jesus told the oppressed to turn the other cheek as an act of positive assertion of self-worth, but also as an act of love."
"Unlike Cramer — who at least admitted fault last night and said he was "chastized" — most establishment journalists won't acknowledge that there was anything wrong with the behavior of the press corps during the Bush years. The most they'll acknowledge is that it was confined to a couple of bad apples — The Judy Miller Defense. But the Cramer-like journalistic behavior during that period that was so widespread and did so much damage is behavior that our press corps, to this day, believes is proper and justified."
Jonathan Stegall is a web designer and emergent / emerging follower of Jesus currently living in Atlanta, seeking to abide in the creative tension between theology, spirituality, design, and justice.