Brian McLaren asks for a new generation of Republican leadership – one that goes beyond fear-mongering and nostalgia and brings constructive conversation. It would be a wonderful thing.
Julie looks at the story of the twelve year old Jesus being left at the Temple in a way I've never considered. But it makes a great deal of sense, in light of what we know about the family of Jesus. Great read.
Review of the documentary Women in Warzones, which "chronicles the journeys of two women in the Congo from their rape at the hands of rebel groups to their stays at a private hospital that specializes in treating women for physical and mental issues after rape."
This letter reveals some great things about the future of Emergent Village, continuing from the gathering in D.C. earlier this year. There are great places for many of us to get involved, and great space prepared for the future.
Jonathan Stegall is a web designer and emergent / emerging follower of Jesus currently living in Atlanta, seeking to abide in the creative tension between theology, spirituality, design, and justice.