Some amazing examples of the future of HTML5, especially smart forms. The forms can best be viewed in Opera, though there are some that work nicely in Safari too. I can't imagine how wonderful it will be to stop worrying about JavaScript for this kind of stuff. I wonder if will negate some serverside validation as well?
Perceptive thoughts on why New Atheism is doing so well. We need to get this. We didn't get it when Barth and Bonhoeffer tried to teach us, and most of us don't get it now, but it is necessary.
"Fairtrade accreditation is the current big thing for the major food companies, but fair's not always fair. What big corp fair trade products are greenwash and which should we be buying?"
Some thoughts on the modern charge that postmodernism is nothing but meaningless relativism. This is still a very relevant conversation for us to have.
Jonathan Stegall is a web designer and emergent / emerging follower of Jesus currently living in Atlanta, seeking to abide in the creative tension between theology, spirituality, design, and justice.