- HTML5 Redefines Footer – Jeffrey Zeldman Presents The Daily Report
- Fantastic evidence that the HTML5 group really does listen to feedback. There is also a helpful comment from Hixie.
- tags:
- community
- web-standards
- html
- html5
- 24-7 Prayer International // Prevailing Prayer: The Lessons of Charles Finney
- Some thoughts on Charles Finney, and a specific sermon he gave, from the folks at 24-7 Prayer. Charles Finney has been an impactful voice in my life, and it's great to see this kind of post.
- tags:
- activism
- church-history
- prayer
- 24-7prayer
September 4th, 2009
Becoming the Answer To Our Prayers: Prayer For Ordinary Radicals is a recent book from Shane Claiborne and Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove, both of whom are part of new monasticism.
- A prayer … – Brian McLaren
- A profound prayer from Brian McLaren, based upon the Beatitudes.
- tags:
- jesus
- brian-mclaren
- prayer