Design · Culture · Spirituality

January, 2010

Emergency aid for Haiti

January 13th, 2010

As you may know, yesterday a 7.0 magnitude earthquake rocked the country of Haiti.

Wanting to keep some things together

January 13th, 2010

I reflected recently on the voices that have been questioning whether the emerging church as a movement is over.

Human Trafficking Awareness Day

January 11th, 2010

Today, as of a Senate resolution passed in 2007, is National Human Trafficking Awareness Day, and as announced by Barack Obama, this month is National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month.

Links for January 10th

Googling history | Beyond The Beyond
On Google Books: "Despite its flaws, it will be the the source of much historical scholarship, from around the globe, over the coming decades. It is a tremendous leveler of access to historical resources."

Hello, 2010

January 9th, 2010

Right. So 2010 is a few days old now. Welcome to it. Lots of folks have been reflecting upon 2009, reflecting upon the 2000s, and imagining things for 2010 and the 2010s.

Links for January 9th

Oldest Known Hebrew Script, Recently Deciphered, Links Worship and Justice – Duane Shank – God's Politics Blog
The oldest known Hebrew script in existence, dating back to the 10th century BCE, links worship of God with pleading for the poor. Beautiful.

Links for January 8th

rethinking the word “pastor” « the carnival in my head
Wonderful thoughts on the word 'pastor,' reminding folks that it doesn't mean what many think it means.

Links for January 1st

The Inescapable Love of God – Jesus Creed
"When it comes down to the bottom argument in Robin Parry's (aka, Gregory Macdonald's) book The Evangelical Universalist we find an argument about God's love." This has been an interesting series, and one that is worth following. Regardless of conclusion, I think it is important to avoid dogmatism on this issue.
Living a Good Story, an Alternative to New Years Resolutions
"A story gives a goal a narrative context that makes sense to the brain, making them more likely to actually be achieved."
Faster Future: Publishing possibilities now and beyond: 2020 vision
"We're in for a big change: Where the noughties were a decade of discovery, the teens will be a decade of realisation. And not discovery of new tech. The future isn't digital; it is self-organised."

More Emerging death reports

January 1st, 2010

Every few months for the last year or so, various conversations come along regarding the death or non-death of the emerging church, whether in its broadest forms or in specific ones like Emergent Village.

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About the Designer

Jonathan Stegall is a web designer and emergent / emerging follower of Jesus currently living in Atlanta, seeking to abide in the creative tension between theology, spirituality, design, and justice.
