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Links for February 23rd

Reclaiming the Mission » McLaren’s New Kind of Christianity – There’s a parting of the ways here – and that’s alright – Towards a New Missional Nicaea (Someday)
Here's another post on the divide that many folks believe is happening in the emerging church – between the Emergent folks, the missional folks, and this one adds the Neo-Reformed folks. I'm still saddened by the idea. It occurs to me that I'm saddened partly because this is a movement where I felt even folks like me who don't know where to fit (aside from not being Neo-Reformed) might have a place, seeking the heart of God and sharpening one another. But regardless, this is a graceful post, and there are some great comments. One comforting line is this, "all these differences can only be worked out ON THE GROUND, in real life communities led by the Holy Spirit in the same way it always has."
A List Apart: Articles: Training the Butterflies: Interview with Scott Berkun
If you ever speak in public, you should read this interview, and should probably buy the book.

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About the Designer

Jonathan Stegall is a web designer and emergent / emerging follower of Jesus currently living in Atlanta, seeking to abide in the creative tension between theology, spirituality, design, and justice.
