- The End of Men? | onehandclapping
- Julie Clawson reflects on the "End of Men" article in the Atlantic, and what it says about cultural assumptions and the opportunity that culture as a whole, and the church specifically, have at this time.
- tags:
- culture
- gender
- julie-clawson
- Giving Great Talks: A Mashup » Bolt | Peters
- Advice from Jared Spool and Edward Tufte on giving great talks. This is all great stuff, regardless of what kind of talking you might be doing.
- tags:
- public-speaking
June 23rd, 2010
Last month, my wife graduated from Candler School of Theology at Emory University, where she got a Master of Divinity.
- A List Apart: Articles: Taking Advantage of HTML5 and CSS3 with Modernizr
- A solid example of how to start with a semantic HTML page and expand it with the Modernizr library. A beautiful thing.
- tags:
- html5
- css3
- css
- javascript
- News Desk: The Velluvial Matrix : The New Yorker
- "You come into medicine and science at a time of radical transition. You have met the older doctors and scientists who tell the pollsters that they wouldn’t choose their profession if they were given the choice all over again. But you are the generation that was wise enough to ignore them: for what you are hearing is the pain of people experiencing an utter transformation of their world."
- tags:
- education
- healthcare
- science
June 17th, 2010
If you follow me on Twitter, you've probably seen me quote, or link to things, from Rachel Held Evans (her blog and Twitter).
- keep running | Falling Whistles Blog
- The UN identifies the most persistent users of child soldiers in armed conflicts. Falling Whistles briefly responds.
- tags:
- asia
- africa
- falling-whistles
- invisible-children
- peace-activism
- peace
- activism
- Missional Living & Idealism: Incompatible « A Living Alternative Our Missional Pilgrimage
- A reflection from a great missional community on the dangers of expectations and ideals when trying to live in community. I fear this of myself, and that's why I needed to read it.
- tags:
- community
- dietrich-bonhoeffer
- mission
- Biscuit making / from a working library
- Short, powerful thoughts on "the main source of sorrow in the modern workplace." Worth a read, and more than a read; we who want to build a new economy need to consider this.
- tags:
- culture
- economics
- business
- “I’m Proud Of You” – My New Hero | The Rabbit Room
- I posted this on Twitter the other day and forgot to link to it here. This is a deep well of beauty and grace that I can't overemphasize. I keep re-reading it, and its impact deepens.
- tags:
- tv
- faith
- culture
- HTML5 Table Template • Perishable Press
- This is invaluable. I don't use tables all that often, and when I do (only for tabular data) it's hard to remember everything that needs to be there, as the post says.
- tags:
- design
- css
- html
- html5
- How Diversity Changed My Beliefs: Beyond White Dude Theology | :: in.a.mirror.dimly ::
- Really perceptive, humble thoughts on the issue of white dudes – what we've missed, what we've learned, and so on – in the emerging church in the last six years.
- tags:
- race
- emerging-church
- emergent
- A List Apart: Articles: Web Fonts at the Crossing
- A great summary of what the current state of web fonts is, letting us know what is happening with tools, licensing, rules, formats, and so on. This is fascinating stuff for designers.
- tags:
- typography
- design
- css3
- css