"Just about everyone I know and work with I first met online. And, although well-done portfolio services have their place, neither I nor anyone at Happy Cog has ever hired someone purely (or even largely) on the basis of their portfolio. It’s all about how you present yourself online. Before I even meet you, do I feel like I know you—or like I wish I knew you?"
" Ecumenicism is not a dumbing down of distinctives but an acknowledgement of the eschatological reality of the New Jerusalem with its colorful, cultural uniqueness. It embraces that reality, celebrates it, and it gives it a prophetic foretaste to a watching world."
"It’s through building the habits of a constant effort towards empathy, non-dismissal and perspective shifting that we designers become more aware of motivations behind use cases in products we create or use. Without understanding the psychology and motivations of use, it’s nearly impossible to create genuine interfaces. And without real empathy, you’re often left with surface design and no substance."
"Most of us have faced 'church-abuse' in one way or another… I think you could interpret alot of post-evangelicalism as a reaction to these abuses. In their wake, we get overreactions."
"I’ve got an entire philosophy behind how I dictate what should be a Custom Post Type, a Custom Taxonomy, or a Pod, but we’ll leave that for another day. I’d like to talk about how to best architect your Custom Post Types with a focus on integrating your Custom Taxonomies to the best of your ability."
Jonathan Stegall is a web designer and emergent / emerging follower of Jesus currently living in Atlanta, seeking to abide in the creative tension between theology, spirituality, design, and justice.