Part one of a series examining our fascination with pirates, and what it means for our faith. I didn't link to the series as it was being written, like I should have, so it's all here at once – on Talk Like A Pirate Day!
Part two of a series examining our fascination with pirates, and what it means for our faith. This one reminds us of social resistance. I didn't link to the series as it was being written, like I should have, so it's all here at once – on Talk Like A Pirate Day!
Part three of a series examining our fascination with pirates, and what it means for our faith. This one reminds us of freedom. I didn't link to the series as it was being written, like I should have, so it's all here at once – on Talk Like A Pirate Day!
Part four of a series examining our fascination with pirates, and what it means for our faith. This one looks at the heresy that is present with relation to prevailing orthodoxy. I didn't link to the series as it was being written, like I should have, so it's all here at once – on Talk Like A Pirate Day!
Part five of a series examining our fascination with pirates, and what it means for our faith. This one looks at the necessary critique that is offered by piracy. I didn't link to the series as it was being written, like I should have, so it's all here at once – on Talk Like A Pirate Day!
Part six of a series examining our fascination with pirates, and what it means for our faith. This one examines the ways in which the heresy proclaimed by pirates becomes the orthodoxy that we need, which later again needs to be critiqued by the pirate heretics. I didn't link to the series as it was being written, like I should have, so it's all here at once – on Talk Like A Pirate Day!
Part seven of a series examining our fascination with pirates, and what it means for our faith. This one looks at why children love pirates so much, and what children and parents are both offered by the challenge of pirates. I didn't link to the series as it was being written, like I should have, so it's all here at once – on Talk Like A Pirate Day!
This is an old one, with James Cone. "But, glory, hallelujah. Now, that glory hallelujah is the fact that there is a humanity and a spirit that nobody can kill. And as long as you know that, you will resist."
Jonathan Stegall is a web designer and emergent / emerging follower of Jesus currently living in Atlanta, seeking to abide in the creative tension between theology, spirituality, design, and justice.