Recently, the TransFORM network for missional community formation launched. It will be a fantastic resource for people who want to start missional communities, or who have already started them, by giving encouragement and resources to make them sustainable. There is a group of grassroots leaders who are doing wonderful things in various contexts.
The entire thing is really exciting to me, equally as a part of the broader emerging church, a participant in a local context, and in light of potential endeavors for the future. One of the immediate things that looks to be incredible is the TransFORM: East Coast Gathering taking place from April 30, to May 2, 2010 in Washington, DC. I believe It is a free event.
The event has incredible speakers/workshop facilitators, and all have lived this stuff. I’d love to encourage you to come, if you can make it to DC during that time. I’m going to try to make it. It is being held at, and sponsored by, Wesley Seminary. Most cities have a discount airline that flies directly to DC (AirTran, Southwest, and JetBlue will cover many of us) for a decent price.
In any case, feel encouraged to join the network if you are interested in such things. If you do, I’m on there.
In light of the creation of this network and the potential I think it has, I want to draw your attention to Andrew Jones’ predictions for the next decade of the church. He is always perceptive about such things, and in this case he has great thoughts for where we may be heading.
I find it encouraging and challenging in more ways than I can express, and my hope is that this new network will be a way for many of us to move in these directions. It really is an exciting time to be alive.
Jonathan Stegall is a web designer and emergent / emerging follower of Jesus currently living in Atlanta, seeking to abide in the creative tension between theology, spirituality, design, and justice.
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