Another explanation of how elements in HTML5 have semantically different meaning than they did in HTML 4 and XHTML. This one covers the small and hr elements.
First part of a series that investigates solidarity and resistance in community. This part examines our tendency to congratulate ourselves for very small things – moving into poor neighborhoods, living in community, serving a few of the poor, helping a few folks change their lives, etc. – in light of the fact that larger structural changes go unachieved. Powerful things for us to think about.
Second part of a series that investigates solidarity and resistance in community. This part examines how easy it is to move into poor communities and do a few things without actually focusing on marginalized people in these communities, and yet still feel the right to be self-congratulatory. While I haven't yet done this kind of move (it compels me and will hopefully happen in the not-too-distant future), it is essential to remember that doing this must lead us to solidarity and mutual liberation.
Jonathan Stegall is a web designer and emergent / emerging follower of Jesus currently living in Atlanta, seeking to abide in the creative tension between theology, spirituality, design, and justice.