"In their presentation about Creating Engagement on Twitter presentation at UX Week 2011 Mark Trammell & Jesse James Garrett walked through the concepts underlying the redesign of Twitter's sign up process."
Data tables are still a hard thing to style, but it's important to do it well. Naturally, they're even harder to style if you try to do things in a responsive way. But this is a good start..
"The central thesis of Bill Fulton’s talk was that the perceived value of usability is what needs our attention. Instead of spreading usability department thin trying to fix whatever we can, Fulton recommends focusing our efforts on specific departments, projects, or sub-projects are the most receptive to usability recommendations and thus will produce high-impact results. Teams that actually value usability engineering will develop products that are shining examples that make usability look like key asset that can accomplish great things."
Jonathan Stegall is a web designer and emergent / emerging follower of Jesus currently living in Atlanta, seeking to abide in the creative tension between theology, spirituality, design, and justice.