Organization designed to help people change the world in simple ways. This includes t-shirts focusing on problems of the world, and ways to dig deeper into the issues. Simple ways to change.
A good set of non-negotiables for the Obama Administration. I can really resonate with Blake's attitude, as well as with his list. As an aside, I would love to see Bush and Cheney tried for crimes against humanity, but I don't believe it will happen, so I wouldn't put it on my list.
Interesting thoughts on the anti-globalization and "ultra-pro-free-market capitalism" extremes. Julie really indicates that it isn't as simple as many of us who care about the poor and suffering sometimes make it. We act as though not buying things from China will help solve the problems that we have helped cause, and it doesn't work that way.
Why would you want Bush and Cheney tried for crimes against humanity and who would try them and since I suspect you presuppose a conviction what would you want done to them ?
Well, there is a lot of talk from various sources (including some conservatives) that Bush and Cheney should be tried for war crimes and crimes against humanity, which generally relates to their authorization of torture.
Andrew Sullivan, for one, has written a massive amount of content relating to this and similar issues over the last several years, and has maintained that it is a central issue to the election. A brief, recent post resides here, and a search of his posts can find plenty that reference war crimes and crimes against humanity, as well as the expected pardons that will probably happen toward Bush’s exit from office.
I don’t care if one is a conservative or a liberal; torture is unacceptable. The fact that a conservative administration has endorsed and practiced it in documented ways is not excusable just because it is in war, and it’s a beautiful thing for someone like Sullivan to call them out on it so consistently for so long. Another relevant piece is his final case for Obama’s election on the eve of Election Day.
Jonathan Stegall is a web designer and emergent / emerging follower of Jesus currently living in Atlanta, seeking to abide in the creative tension between theology, spirituality, design, and justice.
Hey man…looks like you know a little about the emerging church. can you direct me to some good resources or talk to me some about it? I’m curious
Why would you want Bush and Cheney tried for crimes against humanity and who would try them and since I suspect you presuppose a conviction what would you want done to them ?
Well, there is a lot of talk from various sources (including some conservatives) that Bush and Cheney should be tried for war crimes and crimes against humanity, which generally relates to their authorization of torture.
Andrew Sullivan, for one, has written a massive amount of content relating to this and similar issues over the last several years, and has maintained that it is a central issue to the election. A brief, recent post resides here, and a search of his posts can find plenty that reference war crimes and crimes against humanity, as well as the expected pardons that will probably happen toward Bush’s exit from office.
I don’t care if one is a conservative or a liberal; torture is unacceptable. The fact that a conservative administration has endorsed and practiced it in documented ways is not excusable just because it is in war, and it’s a beautiful thing for someone like Sullivan to call them out on it so consistently for so long. Another relevant piece is his final case for Obama’s election on the eve of Election Day.