As you probably know, there is a group of really vocal, largely ridiculed folks who believe the rapture will happen tomorrow at 6pm.
I missed writing for the series from my friend Rachel Held Evans that sought to restore unity, but followed it closely and saw some wonderful things.
We all know that Osama bin Laden was killed by American forces the other day.
One of the things I love most about theology is ecclesiology, the study of the church and how it lives with God in the world.
As you may know, Rob Bell has a new book that just came out.
Like many others, I've been following Egypt's revolution the past several days, and Tunisia's before it.
Since I started blogging I have planned to write something for the Martin Luther King holiday, but I'm finally getting to it this year, and want to publish today, on his birthday.
In light of Thanksgiving yesterday, Black Friday today, and the upcoming Advent and Christmas seasons, and maybe to a greater extent than normal because of the impending birth of our first child, I've been thinking about the connections between these holiday seasons, our prevailing civil religion, and injustice.
It's that time again: A List Apart has opened the Survey For People Who Make Websites, 2010.
Malcolm Gladwell had a recent article in the New Yorker that examined "Why the revolution will not be tweeted." Now, I'm not incredibly familiar with Gladwell, although I have seen him speak (and enjoyed his talk) and in general have a good opinion of his work.
Jonathan Stegall is a web designer and emergent / emerging follower of Jesus currently living in Atlanta, seeking to abide in the creative tension between theology, spirituality, design, and justice.
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