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Blog Archives

Uncommon truths at the Martin Luther King Center

June 4th, 2010

To celebrate our day off this past Monday, Kiera and I spent several hours at The King Center, also known as the Martin Luther King, Jr.

The Hole in our Gospel

May 31st, 2010

Recently, I had the opportunity to read The Hole in Our Gospel by Richard Stearns through Thomas Nelson's BookSneeze program for bloggers.

Donald Miller, slacktivism, and activism

May 10th, 2010

I've made no secret that I love Donald Miller. His books and blog have encouraged me, shaped my thinking, and challenged me.

The gifts of Emergent

April 30th, 2010

Recently, Tony Jones asked his blog readers to note "Emergent's charism" to the broader church.

The Voice New Testament

April 21st, 2010

For the last month or so, instead of reading the NASB Bible I've had for the last few years, I've been reading The Voice New Testament, which I got through Thomas Nelson's BookSneeze program for bloggers.

Kevin Prosch, The Black Peppercorns, and Emergent Charismatics

April 18th, 2010

So the most recent episode of Homebrewed Christianity includes an interview between Kevin Prosch and my friend Mike Morrell.

My public support for Jennifer Knapp, and some thoughts on sin

April 14th, 2010

If you follow such developments, you may have seen the Christianity Today interview with Jennifer Knapp in which she discussed her return to music, her faith, and her homosexuality.

Source, Fallout, and Minneapolis

April 10th, 2010

We recently spent a week in Minneapolis with Source and the Fallout Arts Initiative, in the most diverse neighborhood in the United States.

CSS Naked Day 2010

April 8th, 2010

Today marks the second time (because it took me so long to design my website after I turned it into a blog) that I've celebrated CSS Naked Day, which is a time for designers to remove styles from their websites, showing the underlying semantic HTML in all its glory. The point of this has always been to show the point of and promote such semantic HTML and web standards by showing how they serve to organize a site's content before it is visually organized.

Theology and design in the age of Google

March 23rd, 2010

Recently, I reflected upon the concept of Theology After Google, to which a conference, a great podcast episode, and lots of blog posts have been skillfully devoted.

By Month

  1. November 2013 (2)
  2. October 2013 (17)
  3. September 2013 (25)
  4. August 2013 (9)
  5. July 2013 (15)
  6. June 2013 (11)
  7. May 2013 (15)
  8. April 2013 (3)
  9. March 2013 (10)
  10. February 2013 (16)
  11. January 2013 (19)
  12. December 2012 (20)
  13. November 2012 (4)
  14. October 2012 (10)
  15. September 2012 (9)
  16. August 2012 (12)
  17. July 2012 (14)
  18. June 2012 (19)
  19. May 2012 (2)
  20. April 2012 (32)
  21. March 2012 (18)
  22. February 2012 (16)
  23. January 2012 (25)
  24. December 2011 (31)
  25. November 2011 (13)
  26. October 2011 (24)
  27. September 2011 (26)
  28. August 2011 (55)
  29. July 2011 (29)
  30. June 2011 (35)
  31. May 2011 (39)
  32. April 2011 (13)
  33. March 2011 (22)
  34. February 2011 (13)
  35. January 2011 (13)
  36. December 2010 (21)
  37. November 2010 (25)
  38. October 2010 (21)
  39. September 2010 (20)
  40. August 2010 (20)
  41. July 2010 (28)
  42. June 2010 (35)
  43. May 2010 (25)
  44. April 2010 (50)
  45. March 2010 (60)
  46. February 2010 (51)
  47. January 2010 (36)
  48. December 2009 (67)
  49. November 2009 (39)
  50. October 2009 (63)
  51. September 2009 (73)
  52. August 2009 (57)
  53. July 2009 (32)
  54. June 2009 (28)
  55. May 2009 (54)
  56. April 2009 (47)
  57. March 2009 (75)
  58. February 2009 (31)
  59. January 2009 (22)
  60. December 2008 (36)
  61. November 2008 (21)
  62. October 2008 (30)
  63. September 2008 (23)
  64. August 2008 (40)
  65. July 2008 (54)
  66. June 2008 (66)
  67. May 2008 (122)
  68. April 2008 (30)
  69. March 2008 (25)
  70. February 2008 (28)
  71. January 2008 (16)
  72. December 2007 (8)
  73. November 2007 (10)
  74. October 2007 (11)
  75. September 2007 (7)
  76. August 2007 (6)
  77. July 2007 (7)
  78. June 2007 (4)
  79. May 2007 (5)
  80. April 2007 (5)
  81. March 2007 (5)
  82. February 2007 (4)

By Category

About the Designer

Jonathan Stegall is a web designer and emergent / emerging follower of Jesus currently living in Atlanta, seeking to abide in the creative tension between theology, spirituality, design, and justice.
