As you may know, yesterday a 7.0 magnitude earthquake rocked the country of Haiti.
I reflected recently on the voices that have been questioning whether the emerging church as a movement is over.
Today, as of a Senate resolution passed in 2007, is National Human Trafficking Awareness Day, and as announced by Barack Obama, this month is National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month.
Right. So 2010 is a few days old now. Welcome to it. Lots of folks have been reflecting upon 2009, reflecting upon the 2000s, and imagining things for 2010 and the 2010s.
Every few months for the last year or so, various conversations come along regarding the death or non-death of the emerging church, whether in its broadest forms or in specific ones like Emergent Village.
Starting with last year, I decided to try each year to write a post on some of the books I've read during the year.
One of the weirdest things about my life over the last four years or so, both for the last part of my time in Lakeland, Florida and the entirety of my time in Atlanta, is that I've spent the time being part of multiple churches.
Each year since 2007, A List Apart has produced a survey for people who make websites.
Since I began to follow Jesus, I have always had a difficult-to-describe relationship with Advent.
In The Justice Project, there is an image that I didn't mention when I initially reviewed the book.
Jonathan Stegall is a web designer and emergent / emerging follower of Jesus currently living in Atlanta, seeking to abide in the creative tension between theology, spirituality, design, and justice.
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