Brennan Manning is one of my favorite authors. When I was in high school, I read Ragamuffin Gospel for the first time.
In March, Tom Sine of Mustard Seed Associates is releasing a book called The New Conspirators.
Chapter six of This Beautiful Mess is a reminder that, although the kingdom is here, it's around for us to join and live in, it's also not here.
Chapter five of This Beautiful Mess gets me right here:
Chapter four of This Beautiful Mess begins the part of the book that is designed to teach us how to see the kingdom of God.
Chapter three of This Beautiful Mess starts off like this:
Some time ago, I purchased The Practice of the Presence of God, and haven't yet gotten around to reading it. Understand that I have a massive list of books that are sitting around waiting for me to read them, but lately there hasn't been much time to do so between the freelance work and other things. Anyway.
Chapter two of This Beautiful Mess covers the idea that Jesus cannot be separated from his kingdom.
Chapter one of This Beautiful Mess introduces the idea of the kingdom of God, and how it can be beautiful and messy at the same time.
Out in Portland, there is a church called Imago Dei Community. They have a podcast.
Jonathan Stegall is a web designer and emergent / emerging follower of Jesus currently living in Atlanta, seeking to abide in the creative tension between theology, spirituality, design, and justice.
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