I've been deeply impacted by the stories and practices of the Celtic church over the past six years or so of my life, and have mentors who are deeply rooted in that tradition. So it's lovely to see such a list. Can't recommend highly enough.
In preparing for the Celtic retreat, Christine Sine reflects on the attraction to, and the characteristics of, Celtic spirituality. There's a lot here that has deeply impacted my own life.
This piece from the 24-7 Prayer organization reflects on the role of public, corporate prayer in the recent, and probably upcoming, changes in the Muslim world and thinks about how this can be a place for followers of Jesus to create communities of prayer among them.
Using "a mobile stylesheet (ie. media queries) to display content only when the email recipient prompts for it. This allows the email to be quickly navigated without scrolling the length of the message."
"I noted that Christus Victor was the way the first Christians understood the gospel story. Based upon my readings both the bible and the early Church Fathers the following is my reconstruction of how many, if not most, of the first Christians told the gospel story. I thought, given that the gospel is a narrative, that it would be helpful in this post to convey Christus Victor theology as it was conveyed by the early Christians: as a story.
Michael Wesch reflects, in light of the 20th anniversary of the public beginning of the web. "Skills and information fade into obsolescence . They are the metaphorical fish handed to you by the guy who should have taught you how to fish. More importantly, skills and information alone do not help us lead happier, healthier, richer, more ethical and more meaningful lives. We need a vision for who we and our students need to *be* – not just what we should know."
"In design, if you want to reach a certain level of quality – or simply exist -, you need to go through complexity, chaos. It is a necessary step where you might feel lost for a moment. Things start to be confusing, you have too much stuff on the table, you're not sure anymore that these inputs make any sense. Be reassured, that's a good thing, you're on the right path."
"We’ve compiled this round-up of resources for creating responsive website designs. Included are tutorials, techniques, articles, tools and more, all geared toward giving you the specific knowledge you need to create your own responsive designs."
"Skeleton is a small collection of CSS & JS files that can help you rapidly develop sites that look beautiful at any size, be it a 17" laptop screen or an iPhone. Skeleton is built on three core principles: responsive grid, fast to start, style agnostic."
"What we should learn both from the New Testament and—illustratively, at least—from Norway’s experience is that discipleship needs to be driven by a sense of corporate identity and purpose shaped by a prophetic awareness of historical context. What is our coming day of fire? What crises lie on our horizon? What threatens our existence? What sort of communities do we need to be in order to survive with integrity?"
"Learning is a complex process with distinct stages, each with corresponding tasks and emotions. Understanding how users learn can help us design experiences that support the user throughout the entire process."
"God takes the side of the oppressed, marginalized, impoverished and excluded. God is for them. God is also against the oppressors, violators, full and power wielders."
"I want the day to come when Christians are described not as judgmental but as those who rejoice in the world and delight in humanity. And what is a call to joy but a call home? A call home to the garden of this God whose desire to be known is so much more powerful than our desire to replace God with only the knowledge of good and evil."
"So we are walking a fine line here. On the one hand, you don't want to say that the Sermon is unattainable because clearly it is attainable. We really should try to attain to the ideals set out in the Sermon. And, with the help of God, we actually can attain these things. But on the other hand, the Sermon is so imposing we know we are surely going to fail. A lot. So how are we to thread the needle?"
"Maybe we shouldn't be borrowing from visual arts—photography, graphic design, illustration—by calling the artifacts of our work a “portfolio.” Possibly we need to frame them with more context and have case studies be our calling card. Or, simply, supporting artifacts, or evidence. Indeed, we shouldn't limit these “portfolios” to neat and tidy wireframes, interfaces, and flows. They should include images of sticky note-filled walls and whiteboards, sketches, and research protocols. I know that I would never hire someone who didn't have some visual supporting evidence of his or her work."
"When I first began writing about politics in late 2005, the standard liberal blogosphere critique — one I naively believed back then — was that Democrats were capitulating so continuously to the Bush agenda because they 'lacked spine' and were inept political strategists: i.e., they found those policies so very offensive but were simply unwilling or unable to resist them. It became apparent to me that this was little more than a self-soothing conceit: Democrats continuously voted for Bush policies because they were either indifferent to their enactment or actively supported them, and were owned and controlled by the same factions as the GOP."
"Designers who replace Lorem Ipsum in their comps or wireframes are underscoring the importance of quality content. But why not start sooner, before a single line is drawn?"
This speaks to my heart. "This is an idea whose time has come. It is easy, simple, saves money, and I think it seeds the mission of God in N America for generations to come: STOP FUNDING TRADITIONAL CHURCH PLANTS and instead fund missionaries to inhabit contexts all across the new mission fields of N America."
Jonathan Stegall is a web designer and emergent / emerging follower of Jesus currently living in Atlanta, seeking to abide in the creative tension between theology, spirituality, design, and justice.