Recently, Tony Jones asked his blog readers to note "Emergent's charism" to the broader church.
So the most recent episode of Homebrewed Christianity includes an interview between Kevin Prosch and my friend Mike Morrell.
Recently, I reflected upon the concept of Theology After Google, to which a conference, a great podcast episode, and lots of blog posts have been skillfully devoted.
I'm a big fan of the Homebrewed Christianity podcast. I just got my first iPod for Christmas, and have been catching up on old and new episodes of this podcast, and some others, since then.
I got married, as I've said, on December 6, 2003. A couple of weeks after that, I got a job as a full-time, night shift (4pm - midnight) custodian at First United Methodist Church of Lakeland, Florida.
I reflected recently on the voices that have been questioning whether the emerging church as a movement is over.
Every few months for the last year or so, various conversations come along regarding the death or non-death of the emerging church, whether in its broadest forms or in specific ones like Emergent Village.
In The Justice Project, there is an image that I didn't mention when I initially reviewed the book.
Recently, I read Julie Clawson's new book, Everyday Justice: The Global Impact of Our Daily Choices.
Through the OOZE Viral Bloggers program, I recently got to read The Justice Project.
Jonathan Stegall is a web designer and emergent / emerging follower of Jesus currently living in Atlanta, seeking to abide in the creative tension between theology, spirituality, design, and justice.
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