Design · Culture · Spirituality


Sustaining a diverse (theological) conversation

February 13th, 2008

At Josh Brown's blog, there is a series of posts that I began to link to yesterday that are challenging some of the common critiques leveled against Emergent (and in this sense, I do mean, at least predominantly, Emergent Village, not the global emerging church). One of the posts deals with the conception that Emergent consists of white guys, sitting around talking about theology.

Interview with Brian McLaren

January 28th, 2008

A couple of days ago, the Charlotte Observer had this interview with Brian McLaren, in preparation for his visit to the city this weekend.

And lest we forget emergent…

October 15th, 2007

I've been doing a good amount of ranting about false dichotomies and wanting a third choice, and so on, lately.

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About the Designer

Jonathan Stegall is a web designer and emergent / emerging follower of Jesus currently living in Atlanta, seeking to abide in the creative tension between theology, spirituality, design, and justice.
