Design · Culture · Spirituality


Four years ago…

December 6th, 2007

I married my best friend at a church in Lakeland, Florida, in a building that had previously been a Scotty's hardware store.

After An Event Apart Chicago

August 28th, 2007

So An Event Apart Chicago is finished. Several things were new to me, and several were somewhat familiar, but for me, even the familiar ones were very relevant.

You have left Atlanta when…

August 27th, 2007

There is no Coke at a conference attended by 500 web designers. Only Pepsi.

Ubuntu experiences thus far

August 13th, 2007

So I've been successfully using Ubuntu for two weeks now. I have several initial reactions, and other thoughts.

Ubuntu dual boot victory

July 31st, 2007

So, following the previous post about my Ubuntu dual boot woes, today I have successfully set up a dual boot of XP and Ubuntu.

Ubuntu dual boot woes

July 30th, 2007

I had hoped to delay this post until I encountered some degree of victory, but that doesn't look like it's coming anytime soon.

Cornerstone 2007

July 12th, 2007

Although I find it difficult to write about Cornerstone and cram a week's worth of thoughts into a post or two, I want to try before it becomes too far in the past.

Nice Atlanta Metal

May 11th, 2007

In the last month or so, I've been able to see a few great shows.

an anniversary…

April 27th, 2007

At the risk of being cheesy and sounding overly spiritual, it was today in 1998 that I met Jesus, and I want to reflect on this milestone for a bit.

personal blogging as a web professional

April 17th, 2007

As I've said before, I read a lot of blogs. At this time, I use Google Reader to aggregate my feeds, and thoroughly enjoy it.

By Category

About the Designer

Jonathan Stegall is a web designer and emergent / emerging follower of Jesus currently living in Atlanta, seeking to abide in the creative tension between theology, spirituality, design, and justice.
