In light of this post, and the past few years of wondering whether it's idealistic of me to think that followers of Jesus should be biblically intelligent, I want to add a thought.
Last night, I went to see Rob Bell's the gods aren't angry tour. If it comes to your city, go.
I've been doing a good amount of ranting about false dichotomies and wanting a third choice, and so on, lately.
In another introduction to the forthcoming series, I want to look at the problem that exists in most conservative and liberal versions of biblical interpretation. This problem is that we are both putting God into a box.
There are lots of devotional Bibles that take the reader through the Bible in one year.
I'm planning to begin a series of posts. I've never done a long series of posts (longer than two or three), but I think this one might be a wise thing to do.
I have tried to stay somewhat quiet about the recent passing of Jerry Falwell. Initial reactions and thoughts aside, I think I have some comments on surrounding issues at this point. I'm not a fundamentalist.
Jonathan Stegall is a web designer and emergent / emerging follower of Jesus currently living in Atlanta, seeking to abide in the creative tension between theology, spirituality, design, and justice.
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